Saturday, May 2, 2015


Good morning everyone. Today is the second of May and i hope you're enjoying this amazing weather if you have it, and if you don't, try to do anything to make the day. So i think most of the people have families, even if they are adopted. They are the people that make you feel loved, although i know some families kick their kids out of the house, and i don't know how they do that. Because every mother and father should love their kids no matter what, not to get married and have children and then you discover that you hate that. My family is good. They love me and try to do everything for me and my brothers. But sometimes i feel like i should be connected to them more. I see movies, i see my friends and they talk to their parents about anything and they do discuss them in a logical way, but i don't have that with my parents, because they have restrictions about some stuff and they can be over-protective. So i know what i am doing is right, but in their eyes, they just see it all wrong. Like talking to boys, my dad doesn't want me to mingle with them much, but all he says that he once was a guy like them and he knows what happens. I refuse that, if everything happened in the exact same way, then nothing new would have happened in this world, and everything would be just the same and boring, i see that i should talk to guys, put my own limits and there it is, nothing wrong with that. Also i sometimes have trips but my dad says no, because he is afraid that something might happen to me and get hurt. I understand his point of view, but if i lived like that my whole life, afraid of doing stuff like that, my life would be much more boring as it already is. I want to live my life, to go on trips with my friends, do crazy stuff and one day i would be telling those stories to my children and grandchildren. I want to travel and see the world, to know new people, maybe meet the love of my life and have my own family. I hope that i would raise them in a good way, i would stuff like my parents did with me, but for sure some things are gonna be changed. I would put limits to them, but they would also feel free to talk to me about stuff, not like me now not knowing what to do.
if you have any stories about your family please feel free to share.
Have a good day people xo. 

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